We have a large collection of games that we rotate often into the arcade. Here is a list of the over 40 games currently in the arcade.


Asteroids, Bar Booz-o-meter, Centipede, Defender, Dig Dug, Donkey Kong Jr., Double Dragon, Fire Escape, Frogger, Galaga, Gorf, Hydro Thunder (2 linked), Journey, Joust, Kung Fu Master, Marble Madness, Mario Bros., Missile Command, Mechanical Pong, Mortal Kombat 2, Ms. Pac-Man, NBA Jam, Pac-Man, Pole Position Cockpit, Punch_Out!!, Q*bert, Qix, Robotron: 2084, Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting, Super Chex, Super Off-Road, Tapper, Warlords cocktail, 4 slot Neo Geo (Metal Slug 1, Puzzle Bobble, Bowling, Metal Slug X)

Pinball (not inlcluded with admission):
Attack From Mars remake LE, Black Knight Sword of Rage Pro, Ghostbuster Premium, High Speed 2 The Getaway, Iron Maiden Premium, Medieval Madness remake, Monster Bash remake LE, World Cup Soccer

Current Beer and Cider:
Boneyard RPM draft, Spider City Pale Ale Draft Avid Apricot, Cascade Lakes Blonde Bombshell, Bend Brewing Ching Ching sour, Crafters Pinot Grigio wine, Crafters red wine, Double Mountain dry cider, Revision Disco Ninja, Level Beer Let's Play, Montucky, Old German, Pfriem IPA, Pfriem Pilsner, Level Beer Ready Player One, Schilling Grapefruit cider, Goodlife Sweet As, Bend Brewing Tropic Pines, White Claw Black Cherry, Wild Ride Peanut Butter Porter

Non alcohol:
Humm Kombucha Coconut Lime, NY Seltzer Vanilla, Bubly Raspberry, Pepsi, Sprite, Hawaiian Punch, Water

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